
mea culpa 2010. 10. 16. 02:46
Tistory 태그:

Vietnam Dragon Fruit

Vietnam Dragonfruit

  • contains minerals, dietary fiber and vitamins with mild sweet and slightly sour taste

  • helps improving glucose control in humans with non-insulin-dependent hyperglycemic conditions and reducing the blood levels of triglycerides, total cholesterol, and low - density lipoprotein cholesterol.




  • Known as"Queen of fruit”

  • High in calcium, Phosphorous, vitamins B & C.

  • Traditionally utilized to control pain, fever and to ward off infections , protect against disease and increase energy.



  • is not only exquisitely delicious but richly nutritious, a complete natural meal in itself high in carbohydrate, proteins, fat, minerals, and vitamins.

  • Durian is not recommended for consuming with alcoholic beverages, as the combination of natural substances is a powerful producer of internal gas.


가장 멋진 과일이 두리안인데 지하철을 타면 위의 표지판에 No durians이라 되어 있다. 처음엔 폭탄인지 알았다는..


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